(中南大学研究生院隆平分院,长沙 410125)

摘 要:摘 要:镰刀菌是一种重要的植物病原菌,给世界范围内农作物生产带来巨大破坏。除导致产量下降外,由其产生的镰刀菌真菌毒素能够污染农产品品质,给动物和人类食物安全造成严重隐患。单端孢霉烯族毒素(Trichothecenes)、伏马菌素(Fumonisin)和玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone)是三种最重要的镰刀菌真菌毒素。镰刀菌真菌毒素的生物合成与生产受到体内一系列相关功能基因的调控;此外,pH值、碳氮比等环境条件也能影响真菌毒素的产量。本文简述了镰刀菌真菌毒素在产生机理、主要分类、致病性以及调控因素等方面的研究进展。

The research advance of biosynthesis and regulation mechanism on Fusarium mycotoxins
ZHANG Yue-Ping
(Longping College of Graduate School, Central South University, Changsha 410125, China)

Abstract: Abstract:  Fusarium spp. are particularly significant filamentous pathogen fungi, which can cause severe yield loss worldwide.  In addition to yield losses, infested agricultural products are often contaminated with mycotoxins that are harmful to humans and animals. The trichothecenes, fumonisin, and zearalenone are three most important mycotoxins of Fusarium spp. With the developments of complete genomes of the Fusarium spp., more and more genes and gene clusters are being reported to regulate the biosynthesis and production. The conditions of environment, such as pH, and the ratio of carbon/ nitrogen, are also involved in regulation of the mycotoxins production. This article summarizes the recent progress and current state of knowledge and highlight of toxicity mechanism, major kinds, pathogenesis, and regulation factors in Fusarium mycotoxins.
Key words: Fusarium; mycotoxins; food security; pathogenesis; research advance

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