
摘 要:摘 要:骨钙素是一种由成骨细胞合成的结构蛋白,经过翻译后加工生成羧化骨钙素而参与骨骼发育。然而,最新研究发现,未发生羧化修饰的骨钙素可促进胰腺b细胞增殖和胰岛素分泌,增加脂联素基因表达和减弱胰岛素抵抗,对糖尿病和肥胖的发生具有抑制作用。临床检测也发现骨钙素含量与空腹血糖和胰岛素浓度呈负相关,糖尿病患者体内含量明显较低。这些研究确立了骨钙素是一种能量代谢调节的重要激素,拓展了对骨骼功能理解的同时也为治疗代谢性紊乱疾病提供了新靶点。

Osteocalcin: an important hormone that regulates energy metabolism
Guo Xiao-Qiang
Department of Biochemistry, Bethune Military Medical College, Shijiazhuang 050081, China

Abstract: Abstract: Osteocalcin is a structure protein synthesized by osteoblasts. This protein becomes carboxylated through post-translation processing and plays roles in skeleton development. But the latest researches have indicated that uncarboxylated osteocalcin can promote the proliferation of pancreas b cell, increase the secretion of insulin, upregulate the expression of adiponectin, weaken insulin resistance and play inhibitory roles in the development of diabetes and obesity. Clinical examinations have indicated the content of osteocalcin is negatively correlated to fasting blood glucose level and insulin concentration. The content of osteocalcin is significantly lower in diabetic patients. These findings suggested that osteocalcin is a hormone that regulates energy metabolism, which deepens the understanding of function of bone and provides a novel target for the treatment of metabolism-related diseases.
Key words: osteocalcin; osteoblast; insulin; glucose metabolism; obesity

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