《生命科学》 2010, 22(11): 1086-1091
摘 要:摘 要:中国西南横断山地区地形复杂、山陡谷深、生境多样,是真菌栖息、繁衍和分化的理想地区。国内外真菌学家们对该区的真菌早就给予过关注和研究,曾报道了该区真菌4 000余种,约占我国已知真菌总种数的40%。然而,总的说来,人们对该区真菌物种多样性的了解还知之甚少。近十余年来,我们对该地区的真菌中的高等真菌部分进行了十余次野外考察和采集,共获得标本7 000余份、分子材料4 200余份、真菌及其生境照片1万余张,这是研究和认识该区真菌多样性不可或缺的第一手科学资料。通过对该区有关标本的研究,正式发表了2新属及50余新种;但还有大量新物种和一些新属有待进一步研究和描述。加强真菌多样性的研究,不仅具有重要的科学意义,同时为经济发展服务也具有重要的现实意义。
Abstract: Abstract: The Hengduan Mountains region of southwestern China, a world抯 hotspot of biodiversity, is very rich in fungal species. Although over 4 000 species of fungi were identified in this region, representing about 40% China抯 known fungal taxa, the known number of species is merely a very small percentage of the total. We have made mycological expeditions in the region in the last ten years annually, and about 7000 collections were made. Having studied some fungal collections, 2 genera and over 50 species new to science were described in the last ten years. However, a large number of remaining new taxa are still undocumented. To promote the study of the fungal diversity there is of both scientific and practical importance.
Key words: higher fungi; taxonomy; systematics; species diversity; Hengduan Mountains