第二军医大学药理学教研室,上海 200433

摘 要:摘 要:以脑卒中为代表的脑血管疾病是非常严重的健康和社会问题。本项目结合我国国情,遵循优势互补、强强联合的方针,整合我国现有的优势和已建立起来的研究队伍,进行以下四个方面的研究:(1) 遗传学研究,探讨脑卒中和颅内动脉狭窄的易感基因;(2) 脑卒中发生的新的决定因素研究,探讨预防脑卒中的新靶点;(3) 神经血管单元研究,探索脑卒中治疗的新策略;(4)转基因技术平台和化学生物学小分子探针技术平台研究,探讨脑卒中发生发展过程中涉及的各种信号转导通路。

Fundamental researches on the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
SU Ding-feng
Department of pharmacology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

Abstract: Abstract: Cerebrovascular diseases represented by stroke are of very important healthy and society problems. The present project was aimed to study the genesis, development, prevention and treatment of stroke. Mainly, four research fields are proposed: (1) genetics, to find the genes related to stroke or the stenosis of intracerebral arteries; (2) new determinants of the stroke genesis, to establish the new targets for stroke prevention; (3) neurovascular unite, to explore the new strategies for the treatment of stroke; and (4) research platforms for gene therapy and chemo-biology, to elucidate the signaling pathway involved in the pathogenesis of stroke.
Key words: stroke; pathogenesis; prevention; treatment; hypertension; genetics

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