孙美玉,马正海*, 张富春
新疆大学生命科学与技术学院 新疆生物资源与基因工程重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830046

摘 要:摘 要:免疫不育疫苗主要以哺乳动物的精子或卵子蛋白以及在受精和胚胎早期发育过程中发挥重要作用的激素为靶抗原。以激素为抗原的不育疫苗产生的不育效果多为不可逆的,且对机体损伤较大。以精子表面抗原制备的疫苗能够诱导产生精子抗体和不育效果,目前已成为避孕研究的一个热点。哺乳动物卵透明带(zona pellucida, ZP) 是覆盖于卵母细胞及着床前受精卵外的一层基质, 其在调节精卵特异性结合、诱导获能精子发生顶体反应和阻止多精受精等方面发挥着重要作用。ZP相对分子质量较小且免疫原性强,是免疫不育疫苗理想的靶抗原,抗ZP抗体可阻断精卵结合,故可被用作人类避孕和免疫不育控制有害动物种群数量的靶抗原,但人用ZP疫苗免疫机体后造成的卵巢功能损伤和免疫抑制等问题尚有待明确。

Process in the research on immunocontraceptive vaccines
SUN Mei-yu, MA Zheng-hai*, ZHANG Fu-chun
Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Genetic Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology,Xinjiang University, Urumchi 830046, China

Abstract: Abstract:  In the mammalian reproductive system, there are multiple hormones and proteins of sperm and oocyte that can be used as target antigen for immunocontraceptive vaccines. The effect of hormone immunocontraceptive vaccines are mostly inreversible, and harmful to the individual. The sperm antigen vaccines can induce the production of antibody to sperm antigen and the effect on fertility, and have become a hot topic in immunocontraceptive vaccines. Nowadays, the most recent researches are based on the surface protein of oocyte, mammalian zona pellucida (ZP),that coveraged a mammalian oocyte and the preimplantation zygote. ZP plays important roles in mediating the initial recognition and binding of spermatozoon to oocyte in a relatively species-specific manner, inducing of capacitation sperm acrosome reaction and preventing polyspermy. ZP has smaller molecular weight and strong immunogenicity, so it is the primary target antigen on antifertility research. Anti-ZP antibodies can block sperm-egg binding, and then interdict mammalian reproductive process in mammalian, such as mouse and pig. So ZP can be used as an ideal target antigen for human contraception and immunocontraception control of the harmful mammalian species. But ovarian function damage and immune suppression after immune have yet to be clarified.
Key words: immunocontraception; vaccine; antigen; zona pellucida

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