赵 赟,谭玉珍*
复旦大学上海医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学系,上海 200032

摘 要:摘 要:胚胎干细胞作为一种具有多潜能和高度自我更新能力的种子细胞,已被广泛地应用于医学研究领域。在体外培养条件下,胚胎干细胞可被诱导分化为三个胚层来源的组织细胞,故被看作为最具有应用前景的种子细胞。近年来,对于在体外培养条件下如何维持胚胎干细胞的多能性即使其较长时期的处于未分化状态成为研究热点,其中一些天然存在或人工合成的小分子物质可通过作用于某些特定的靶信号通路,调控胚胎干细胞的分化命运。本文概述了几种小分子物质的最新研究进展,并对小分子物质在成体多分化潜能胚胎样干细胞分化调控方面的应用前景进行评述。

Small molecules in maintaining embryonic stem cell undifferentiation
ZHAO Yun, TAN Yu-zhen*
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical School of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China

Abstract: Abstract: Embryonic stem cells self-renew indefinitely while having some potentiality to generate all three germ-layer derivatives.  The use of embryonic stem cells as a potential seed cell in regeneration medicine is a promising approach to the treatment of disease and injury.  Natural and synthetic small molecules have been shown to be useful chemical tools for maintaining long-term undifferentiated state of embryonic stem cells.  In this review, we will look at several small molecules that have been reported in the recent researches as effectors of embryonic stem cell undifferentiation.  We hypothesize that the maintenance of undifferentiation in embryonic stem cells by using small molecules can also make the same effects on those pluripotent adult embryonic-like stem cells.
Key words: small molecules; embryonic stem cell; pluripotent adult embryonic-like stem cell; undifferentiation

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