蹇 锐1,刘 兵2,胡福泉1*,程小星3*
1第三军医大学微生物学教研室,重庆 400038;2解放军307医院肿瘤学研究室,北京 100071;3解放军总医院309临床部,北京 100091

摘 要:摘 要:Rex-1(reduced expression 1)又称Zfp-42(zinc finger protein 42),是一种酸性锌指结构蛋白,在胚胎干细胞和部分成体干细胞中高表达,并随维甲酸(retinoid acid, RA)诱导干细胞分化而迅速下调。 该分子的结构特点提示其具有转录调控的功能,对决定干细胞的状态和发育阶段发挥重要作用。

Transcription factor Rex-1: structure, expression profile and stemness regulatory function
JIAN Rui1, LIU Bing2, HU Fu-quan1*, CHENG Xiao-xing3*
1 Department of Microbiology, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China; 2 Laboratory of Oncology, the 307th Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100071, China; 3 309th Clinical Division, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100091, China

Abstract: Abstract: Rex-1 (reduced expression 1), also known as Zfp-42(zinc finger protein 42), encodes a protein containing four repeats of the zinc finger motif and an acidic domain. These structural features imply a possible regulatory function for Rex-1. Expression of Rex-1 is high in embryonic and several adult stem cells, and rapidly reduced after RA-induced differentiation. The unique expression profile of Rex-1 suggests that it may play an important role in deciding the status and fate of stem cells.
Key words: Rex-1; stem cells; differentiation; transcriptional regulation

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