
摘 要:摘 要:血管内皮细胞激活是脓毒症病理生理过程的中心环节。活化的血管内皮细胞为炎症介质的聚集和迁移提供了重要的场所,是放大炎症反应的前提条件。高迁移率族蛋白1(high-mobility group box protein 1, HMGB1)是脓毒症晚期致死性的促炎介质,维持并延长了脓毒症病理过程。HMGB1通过晚期糖基化终产物受体(advanced glycation end products receptor, RAGE)对血管内皮细胞有重要的激活作用。

Effect of HMGB1 on endothelial cells in sepsis
Zheng Yun-jiang,Tang Yao-qing*
Department of Surgery Intensive Care Unit, Affiliated Ruijin Hospital, Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University,

Abstract: Abstract: Vascular endothelial cell activation is central to pathophysiologic process in sepsis. Activated endothelial cells plays critical role in inflammatory response. High mobility group protein-1 (HMGB1),as a lethal pro-inflammatory mediator in sepsis, maintains and extends the pathogenesis of sepsis. HMGB1 can activate endothelial cells by advanced glycation end products receptor(RAGE).
Key words: sepsis; endothelial cell; HMGB1

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