姚 忻, 闻玉梅*
复旦大学上海医学院 教育部/卫生部医学分子病毒学重点实验室,上海200032

摘 要:摘 要:FcgRIIB作为低亲和力IgG受体介导对多种免疫细胞功能的负反馈调节。它的两种主要分子异构体IIB1、IIB2分布于不同的细胞表面并发挥不同的抑制效应。FcgRIIB可以通过依赖和不依赖于其胞浆区ITIM结构域的方式抑制细胞的激活效应。FcgRIIB在与BCR交联后,抑制BCR与脂筏形成稳定结构,并阻止B细胞的免疫突触形成。FcgRIIB的表达失衡将导致自身免疫病、肿瘤和感染性疾病的发生发展。进一步研究阐明影响FcgRIIB受体表达或其信号传导机制的因素,将有助于人们找到治疗和控制这些疾病的新方法。

The immunoregulation of inhibitory IgG receptor (FcgRIIB)
YAO Xin, WEN Yu-mei*
Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology, Ministry of Education/Ministry of Health, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai200032, China

Abstract: Abstract: As the low-affinity IgG receptor, FcgRIIB regulates many immunocytes negatively. The two isoforms(B1 and B2) expressed on different leukocytes and have different functions. FcgRIIB can inhibit immunocyte activation via dependent or undependent on its cytoplasmic ITIM motif. When cross-linked with B cell receptor, FcgRIIB destabilizes the association of the BCR with raft lipids and blocks immune synapse formation. An imbalanced expression of FcgRIIB can result in development of autoimmune diseases, tumor and infectious diseases. Further insight into the agents involved in the expression of FcgRIIB and its signaling pathway may contribute to yield effective treatment for these diseases in the future.
Key words: inhibitory IgG receptor; FcgRIIB; immunoregulation

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