卫旭彪, 刘厚奇*

摘 要:摘 要:细胞极性的建立是组织发育和器官形成的重要环节。而其中紧密连接是上皮细胞极性建立和维持的重要结构,也是极性破坏的靶点。因此,紧密连接对上皮细胞极性来说十分重要。保守的PAR3-PAR6-aPKC极性复合体在紧密连接的形成过程中发挥中枢作用。PAR3可与JAMs、TIAM1及LIMK2等分子相互作用,在多个信号通路中发挥调节作用,其相互作用机制复杂。PAR3还可受到来自胞外信号作用于EGFR等受体型酪氨酸磷酸化蛋白激酶的调控。由于PAR3在紧密连接形成的过程中至关重要,有关PAR3的蛋白磷酸化和EGFR等信号转导通路影响PAR3, 从而调控紧密连接形成的机制成为了新的研究热点。
中图分类号:Q132; R321  文献标识码:A

Regulatory role and mechanism of PAR3 in assembly of epithelial tight junction
WEI Xu-biao, LIU Hou-qi*
(Research Center of Developmental Biology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China )

Abstract: Abstract: Cell polarity plays an essential role in the tissue development and organogenesis. Tight junction (TJs) is an important structure for the assembly and maintenance of the epithelial polarity and also the target of the polarity destruction. So TJs is of great importance to the epithelial polarity. The conserved PAR3-PAR6-aPKC polarity complex plays a central role in the formation of TJs. PAR3 can interact with JAMs, TIAM1, LIMK2 and the mechanism of PAR3 in TJs formation is complicated. Besides, PAR3 can be regulated by the receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) activated by extracellular signals. Because PAR3 plays a key role in TJs formation, research about the protein phosphorylation of PAR3 and signal transduction pathways such as EGFR regulate PAR3 so as to take part in the regulation of TJs formation becomes popular.
Key words: cell polarity; tight junctions; PAR3; LIMK2; EGFR

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