殷 梧,邹苏琪,王光辉,周江宁,胡 兵*
(中国科学技术大学生命科学学院,神经生物学与生物物理学系,合肥 230027)

摘 要:摘 要:近年来,斑马鱼作为一种新型模式动物被广泛地应用于发育学、遗传学、行为学和分子生物学等研究领域。其具有繁殖能力强、发育迅速且同步、体外受精和幼体透明等生物学和形态学特点,经广泛培养和筛选突变品种,目前斑马鱼品系资源丰富。与其他非脊椎模式动物相比,它与人类有更高的同源性。本文主要介绍斑马鱼作为一种理想的模式动物,结合其特殊的行为学检测手段和分子生物学特点,在研究神经系统疾病的发病机制、构建疾病模型和相应药物筛选等方面的应用。
中图分类号:Q959.468;Q95-33;R749.1  文献标识码:A

Application of the zebrafish as a model animal in the research of nervous system disease
YIN Wu, ZOU Su-qi, WANG Guang-hui, ZHOU Jiang-ning, HU Bing*
(Department of Neurobiology & Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, USTC, Hefei 230027, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In recent years, zebrafish is widely used as a model animal in research fields of development, genetics, behavior and molecular biology. With its own biological and morphological characteristics, such as high reproduction capability, rapid development, in vitro fertilization, the larvae of synchronization and transparency, after extensive cultivation and mutant screening, strains accumulate richly in resources. Compared to other non-vertebrate model animals, it has a higher degree of human homology in gene background. In this review, zebrafish with its special behavior assays and molecular biological characteristics, is introduced in the study of the mechanisms underlying nervous system diseases, disease model setup and drug screening.
Key words: zebrafish; nervous system disease; model animal; disease model

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