李 燕1,高亚辉2,李雪松2,杨金莹1,阙国和1,吕建仁1*
( 1中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,青岛 266555; 2厦门大学生命科学学院,厦门 361005)

摘 要:摘 要:随着人类对海洋资源的进一步开发和利用,越来越多的人工设备用于水下操作,而海洋生物污损在很大程度上制约了这些设备的应用, 给人类带来重大的经济损失。因此,海洋生物污损的形成机制与防治成为当前研究的一个热点。海洋硅藻是海洋生物污损过程中形成生物膜的主要物种,其在水下固相表面的附着可诱导大型污损生物的附着,从而影响生物污损群落的形成。本文综述了硅藻在固相表面的附着机理、固相表面性质对硅藻附着的影响及具有应用前景的广谱抗污损高分子材料的研究进展,并展望海洋硅藻附着研究前景。
中图分类号:X55;Q949.27  文献标识码:A

Research progress on marine diatom adhesion
LI Yan1, GAO Ya-hui2, LI Xue-song2, YANG Jin-ying1, QUE Guo-he1, L?Jian-ren1*
(1 Center for Bioengineering and Biotechnology, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China ; 2 School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China )

Abstract: Abstract:Large numbers of artificial equipments were used underwater for the exploitation of marine resource, which was restricted by marine biofouling. The mechanism and removal of marine biofouling had become the focus of the current research. Diatom is one of the most important microfoulers in the marine fouling biofilms, and its adhesion to marine submerged substratum directly influences the subsequent adhesion of macrofoulers as well as the formation of fouling organism community. The mechanisms and behaviors of diatom adhesion to surfaces with different physico-chemical properties and the potential broad-spectrum antifouling polymers were highlighted.
Key words: biofouling; diatom; adhesion; extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) 

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