(清华大学医学院生物医学工程系 神经工程实验室,北京 100084)

摘 要:

摘 要:脑 – 机接口系统是一个不依靠外周神经和肌肉组织等而实现大脑和外界装置之间直接的交流和控制的通道。它为那些运动障碍的残疾人表达自己的意愿和实现对外部设备的控制提供了一种新的强大的技术支持。基于脑电的脑 ― 机接口作为一种非侵入型的技术引起了该领域很多人的关注。基于脑电的脑 ― 机接口采用了很多种类型的脑电信号。其中,振荡性的脑电图由于有较高的幅值和对噪声不敏感等特性而体现出极大的优势。也是由于这些原因,振荡性的脑电图变成了脑 – 机接口的应用中非常成功的设计之一。本文要介绍主要的基于脑电的脑 – 机接口中的两种,分别是稳态视觉诱发电位和基于运动本体感觉节律的脑 – 机接口。作者将详细的叙述该研究的生理背景、脑 – 机接口的参数,以及该系统的构造及信号处理的方法,并且会演示一些具有潜在应用价值的科研成果。

关键词:脑 – 机接口;振荡性脑电图;稳态视觉诱发电位;运动体感节律

中图分类号: R 3 3 8 ; T P 2 7 3 ; T P 3 3 4 . 7   文献标识码: A


Oscillatory EEG based brain-computer interface
GAO Shang-kai
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems support direct communication and control between brain and external devices without any use of peripheral nerves and muscles. It provides a new augmentative technology for those people with severe motor disabilities to convey their intents or to control surrounding devices.
As a non-invasive technology, the electroencephalogram (EEG) based BCI has drawn many attentions in BCI studies. Several types of EEG signals have been adopted in EEG based BCI. Among them, oscillatory EEGs have significant advantages of larger amplitude and less sensitive to noise. For these reasons, oscillatory EEG based BCIs have become one of most successful designs in BCI system development.  Two of major oscillatory EEG based BCIs will be introduced. They are steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) and sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) based BCIs respectively. The physiological background, BCI paradigms, system configurations and signal processing methods will be described in details. The demonstrations showing the potential applications will also be presented.   
Key words: brain-computer interface; oscillatory EEG; steady state visual evoked potential; sensorimotor rhythm

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