
摘 要:摘 要:突触可塑性对于脑发育过程中的神经环路重构以及学习记忆等脑的高级功能是非常重要的。许多受体酪氨酸激酶家族成员,包括TrkB、ErbB和Eph在神经连接的建立和重构过程中起到核心作用。比如,突触后EphB依赖的信号会导致树突棘的产生和神经递质受体的聚集,而ephrinA引起的EphA4激活可以导致树突棘的回缩。但是,目前对EphA4依赖的树突棘重组和对神经递质受体的调节背后的机制还知之甚少。本文将集中探讨EphA4及其下游的信号通路在神经肌肉接头和中枢神经的突触中,对神经递质受体的调节功能。
中图分类号:Q71; R338.1   文献标识码:A

Receptor tyrosine kinase-dependent signaling in synaptic plasticity
(Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology Research Institute and Molecular Neuroscience Center, Hong kong University of Science and Technology, Hong kong, China)
Abstract:Synaptic plasticity is important for the remodeling of neural circuits during brain development and is implicated in higher brain functions such as learning and memory. Various members of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family, including

Abstract: Abstract:Synaptic plasticity is important for the remodeling of neural circuits during brain development and is implicated in higher brain functions such as learning and memory. Various members of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family, including TrkB, ErbB and Ephs, have been reported to play pivotal roles in the establishment and remodeling of neuronal connections. For example, postsynaptic EphB-dependent signaling induces formation of dendritic spines and clustering of neurotransmitter receptors, while EphA4 activation by ephrinA triggers dendritic spine retraction. However, the mechanisms that underlie EphA4-dependent spine remodeling and regulation of neurotransmitter receptor functions were not well understood. In this review, I will focus on the role of EphA4 and its downstream signaling pathway in regulating neurotransmitter receptor functions at both the neuromuscular junction and neuronal synapses of the CNS.
Key words:  synaptic plasticity;  ephrin/EphA4 signaling; Cdk5

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