丹 扬

摘 要:摘 要:活动依赖的神经可塑性在视觉皮层信息处理过程中起着很重要的作用。该文将讲述几个关于视觉刺激引起皮层反应发生快速变化的研究工作。在体膜片钳的实验结果表明,将视觉刺激与能够诱发单个视皮层神经元发放动作电位的电刺激相偶联可以改变神经元的感受野特性。单电极和多电极胞外记录的实验结果显示,反复地给予自然图形电影刺激,不仅能增加视皮层神经元反应的可靠性,而且能造成之后的自发活动中存在“记忆的痕迹”。最后,用电压敏感染料成像的方法对群体细胞活动进行考察,结果提示视觉活动之后的皮层回放可能是由皮层波介导的。
中图分类号:Q436; R339.14  文献标识码:A

Rapid learning in cortical coding of visual stimuli
DAN Yang
(University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Abstract: Abstract:Experience-dependent plasticity plays crucial roles in visual cortical processing.  I will present several studies on rapid changes in cortical responses induced by visual stimuli.  In vivo whole cell recording shows that pairing visual stimuli with spiking of single cortical neurons can change the receptive field property of the neuron.  Single and multielectrode recordings show that repeated presentation of natural stimuli induces not only a rapid improvement in cortical response reliability, but also leaves a memory trace in subsequent spontaneous activity.  Finally voltage-sensitive dye imaging of population cortical activity suggests that the reverberation of recent visual experience may be mediated by cortical waves that are prominent in spontaneous brain activity.
Key words: spike-timing dependent plasticity; receptive field; response reliability; visual

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