Bonhoeffer Tobias

摘 要:摘 要:大脑最基本性质是快速适应周围环境改变的能力,这主要是通过改变各个神经细胞之间的连接来实现的。有多种不同机制可以调节突触的强度,包括突触效率的稳态调节、突触增强和减弱的形态学表现以及钙在其中的作用。当开始了解这些突触改变的细胞生物学机制的时候,也应该考虑这种突触可塑性在完整大脑中的功能意义。因此,应用最新的成像手段来研究经验如何影响皮层环路中突触的改变,尤其是在体双光子显微技术可以在新皮层的单个神经元水平上研究形态和功能可塑性。这些实验将逐渐填补传统的细胞水平和系统水平研究之间的空白,并将有助于更全面充分地理解突触可塑性这种现象及其在皮层功能乃至动物行为中所起的作用。
中图分类号:Q421; Q427; R338.1  文献标识码:A

How activity changes synapses in the mammalian brain
(Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology,Germany)

Abstract: Abstract: One of the most fundamental properties of the brain is its ability to adapt rapidly to environmental changes. This is achieved mainly by changes in the connectivity between individual nerve cells. Synapses can be modulated in their strength by a variety of different mechanisms. We have investigated a number of these mechanisms, ranging from homeostatic control of synaptic efficacy to morphological manifestations of synaptic strengthening or weakening, and the role of calcium in these processes. Yet, while we are beginning to understand the cellular mechanisms underlying synaptic changes, it is important to consider the functional implications of synaptic plasticity in the intact brain. We are therefore applying new imaging methods to investigate the effects of experience on synaptic changes in cortical circuits. In particular, in vivo two-photon microscopy has enabled us to study morphological as well as functional plasticity at the level of individual neurons in the neocortex. These experiments are beginning to close the gap between traditional cellular and systems studies, and they will enable us to obtain a much more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of synaptic plasticity and its role in cortical function and ultimately behaviour.
Key words: symaptic plasticity; in vivo two-photon microscopy; mammalian

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