高 娴, 马世坤*
(天津医科大学基础医学院,天津 300070)

摘 要:摘 要:壳聚糖因其具有良好的生物学特性而成为多种药物载体研究的热点。药物经过壳聚糖负载后,不仅能够达到缓释控释的目的,还能够改变药物的给药方式,以此减少给药次数,降低药物不良反应,提高药物生物利用度。本文就壳聚糖和改性壳聚糖作为普通药物和生物大分子药物载体的研究进展作一综述。
中图分类号:R318.08  文献标识码:A

Research progress of chitosan used as sustained and control drug carrier
GAO Xian, MA Shi-kun*
(Basic Medical College, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: As chitosan has very good properties, the research of chitosan used as sustained and control drug carrier becomes more and more popular. After loaded by chitosan, these drugs can improve their sustained and control release property, alter their drug-administration-pathway. In this way, they can prolong their drug- administration-interval, degrade  their adverse reaction and promote their biological availability. This article introduces the research progress of  chitosan and modified chitosan used as common drug and biological macromolecular drug carriers.
Key words: chitosan; drug carrier; sustained drug release; control drug release

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