郭 佩,陈伟斌,张 洁,常彦忠,段相林*
(河北师范大学生命科学学院,动物细胞铁代谢研究室,石家庄 050016)

摘 要:摘 要:铁是生物体必需的微量元素。铁缺乏和铁过载均会导致铁代谢紊乱相关疾病,因此有关机体铁水平稳态的调节机制已成为了目前铁代谢领域的研究热点。小肠吸收细胞是调节肠铁吸收、肠铁释放,以及维持机体铁稳态的重要部位。最新的研究表明,铁从小肠吸收细胞基底端释放入血液循环,主要是由膜铁转运蛋白(ferroportin1, Fp1)介导,并在膜铁转运辅助蛋白(haphaestin, Hp)和铜蓝蛋白(ceruloplasmin, Cp)的参与下完成。其中Fp1在小肠铁释放过程中起着至关重要的作用。本文重点阐述铁释放相关蛋白Fp1的作用机制及其调节机制,并详细介绍Fp1基因突变导致的铁代谢相关疾病方面的最新研究进展。
中图分类号:R329.25;Q584;R322.45  文献标识码:A

The research for the iron release mechanism and the related disorders in intestinal absorptive cell
GUO Pei, CHEN Wei-bin, ZHANG Jie, CHANG Yan-zhong, DUAN Xiang-lin *
( Laboratory for Iron Mechanism, Department of Biology, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China)

Abstract: Abstract:  Iron is a trace element essential for life. Both iron deficiency and iron overload can lead to iron metabolism disorders. The maintenance mechanism of iron homeostasis has become the hotspot in iron metabolism.Intestinal absorption cell is the key region for iron uptake, iron release and the maintenance of iron homeostasis. Recent study discovered that the release of iron from intestinal absorption cell to the circulation mainly depends on Fp1 (ferroportin1), and also needs the involvement of Hp(haphaestin)and Cp (ceruloplasmin).This review will put the emphasis on how iron release from intestinal absorption cell and then transfer to the circulation, iron metabolism disorders caused by Fp1, Hp and Cp mutations and the newly research progress of them.
Key words: intestinal absorption cell; iron release; Fp1(ferroportin1); hepcidin; Cp (ceruloplasmin)

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