张彭跃1,2, 沙红英3, 彭 钢3, 成国祥1,2*
(1同济大学生命科学与技术学院,上海 200092;2上海市转基因研究中心,上海 201203;3复旦大学附属华山医院神经外科,上海 200040)

摘 要:摘 要:神经干细胞(neural stem cells, NSCs)是中枢神经系统中既具有自我更新能力又能分化为神经系统各类细胞的细胞群。在体外一定条件下,NSCs能保持增殖能力,经定向诱导能分化为具有成熟神经细胞特征的各类细胞。NSCs移植治疗研究显示,植入的NSCs能分化为移植部位的神经细胞,并融入、整合该部位,重建受损神经网络,在一定程度上缓解病症。近年来,激活体内内源NSCs治疗神经损伤也逐渐得到广泛关注。因此,NSCs在治疗神经损伤中的应用研究已成为当前神经生物学基础理论和临床应用研究的热点。本文简要介绍了最近关于NSCs在治疗脑损伤中的应用研究进展。
中图分类号:Q813;R745.1  文献标识码:A

Application of neural stem cells in curing traumatic brain injury(TBI)
ZHANG Peng-yue1,2, SHA Hong-ying3, PENG Gang3, CHENG Guo-xiang1,2*
(1 Life Science and Technology College of Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2 Shanghai Transgenic Center, Shanghai 201203, China; 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Huasha Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Neural stem cells (NSCs) are cell populations which can self-renew and give rise to neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in center neural system. In vitro, they can maintain proliferation potency, and differentiate into neural cells-like cells through conditional induction. NSCs transplantation experiments show that grafts can differentiate into neural cells in the transplanted site and integrate into the host nervous system, rebuild the injured nervous system, and alleviate the injured symptom at a certain extent. In addition, it has been paid more attention that activating endogenous NSCs cure traumatic brain injury (TBI). So application of NSCs in curing TBI has been hot spot in neurobiology and clinic. This review introduces briefly the latest advances about NSCs curing TBI.
Key words: central nervous system; neural stems cells; neural injury; transplantation

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