贺根和1, 刘 强1, 李晓红1, 喻富根2*
(1 井冈山大学生命科学学院,吉安 343009;2 南京大学生命科学学院,南京 210093)

摘 要:摘 要:大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) L-鼠李糖(rha)调节子由三个功能相关的操纵子(operon)组成,位于大肠杆菌染色体基因组中。它编码大肠杆菌吸收和利用L-鼠李糖的蛋白,即一个鼠李糖运输蛋白(RhaT)、三个鼠李糖代谢酶(RhaB、RhaA、RhaD)以及两个调节蛋白(RhaS、 RhaR)。三个操纵子均受到L-鼠李糖本身的诱导,同时以调控蛋白RhaS、RhaR和CRP(cAMP受体蛋白)为中介的正调控也参与调节。
中图分类号:Q936  文献标识码:A

Rhamnose regulon of Escherichia coli
HE Gen-he1, LIU Qiang1, LI Xiao-hong1,YU Fu-gen2*
(1 College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji{$39}an 343009, China; 2 College of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The rha regulon contains three function-associated operons, which located in the genome DNA.It encodes functions required for inducible uptake and utilization of L-rhamnose by Escherichia coli,  including an active transport (L-rhamnose permease), three metabolizable enzymes (L-rhamnose isomerose, L-rhamnulokinase, L-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase), and two regulatory proteins (RhaS, RhaR), which are induced by L-rhamnose, and positively controlled by RhaS, RhaR, and CRP( Cyclic AMP receptor protein).
Key words: rha regulon; structure; function; regulation

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