曾军英 1,2,孙志洪1,2,谭支良1*
( 1中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所,长沙 410125;2 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039)

摘 要:摘 要:游离脂肪酸不仅是人和动物体的一种重要能量来源,也是一种重要的信号分子。最近研究表明,游离脂肪酸受体蛋白在维持机体内的葡萄糖稳衡、脂肪形成、白细胞功能等生理过程中都有重要的作用,对于调控人或动物的营养代谢及疾病发生具有重要生理意义。
中图分类号:Q574 文献标识码:A

G protein-coupled receptors for free fatty acids
ZENG Jun-ying1,2, SUN Zhi-hong1,2, TAN Zhi-liang2*
(1 Institute of Subtropical Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China; 2 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijng 100039, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Free fatty acids (FFAs) are not only an important direct source of energy for human and animal, but also a kind of key signal molecule in variety of physiological and pathophysiological reponses. The latest researches indicated that these G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs)for FFAs played key roles in glucose homeostasis, adipogenesis, white cell function and  regulation of human and animal nutrition and metabolic syndrome.
Key words:  short chain fatty acid; long chain fatty acid; G protein-coupled receptors; signal transduction

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