(上海交通大学医学院儿童医院医学遗传研究所,上海 200040)

摘 要:摘 要:2007年11-12月,Cell、Science和Nature发表一系列体外诱导人类体细胞转变为多能干细胞的论文。来自日本和美国的研究小组利用慢病毒载体分别将Oct-4、Sox2、C-Myc、Klf4和Oct-4、Sox2、Nanog、Lin28两套基因转入人成纤维细胞,均获得类似ES细胞的克隆。小鼠诱导性多能干细胞已初步用于镰刀细胞性贫血的基因治疗。短短一年半,诱导性多能干细胞的研究和关注度呈现了爆炸式成长;体细胞重编程、去分化、多能干细胞来源等一系列热点问题再次成为大众瞩目的中心。
中图分类号:Q813  文献标识码:A

Progress on induced pluripotent stem cells
ZHOU Yi-ye, ZENG Fan-yi*
(Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Recently, Cell、Science and Nature announced that several defined factors can induce human somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells that exhibit the essential characteristics of embryonic stem cells. And mouse iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells have been used to treat humanized sickle cell anemia mouse model. The research on iPS cells by independent groups has acquired remarkable progress and attention, with the hot spots on reprogramming, dedifferentiation and the resource of pluripotent stem cells.
Key words: pluripotent stem cells; induction; reprogramming; somatic cell; exogenous gene

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