招丽婵1,程安春1,2*,汪铭书1,2*, 袁桂萍3
(1 四川农业大学动物医学院禽病防治研究中心, 雅安625014; 2 动物疫病与人类健康四川省重点实验室, 雅安625014; 3 四川大学分析测试中心, 成都610064)

摘 要:摘 要:脱氧尿苷焦磷酸酶 (dUTP pyrophosphatase,dUTPase) 广泛存在于真核、原核细胞和病毒等生物有机体中, 通过催化水解脱氧尿苷三磷酸 (dUTP),减少尿嘧啶在DNA合成中的错误掺入,降低细胞中的dUTP/dTTP比例,保证DNA复制的正确性和顺利进行。病毒编码的dUTPase具有种属特异性,且与病毒的毒力和高效复制密切相关。本文就dUTPase的生物学功能、分类特征、表达调控、分布定位及病毒dUTPase功能的研究进展进行了概述,为深入开展dUTPase功能研究提供理论基础。
关键词:dUTPase;  生物学功能;  病毒增殖;  表达调控
中图分类号:Q55;Q939.43   文献标识码:A

Progress on the research of virus dUTPase
ZHAO Li-chan1, CHENG An-chun1,2*, WANG Ming-shu1,2* , YUAN Gui-ping 3
(1 Avian Disease Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine of Sichuan Agricultural University,Yaan 625014,China; 2 Key Laboratory of Animal Disease and Human Health of Sichuan Province,Yaan 625014,China;3 Analytical & Testing Center, Sichuan Un

Abstract: Abstract:  dUTPase is a ubiquitous enzyme which widely exists in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, viruses and other biological organisms. The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of dUTP to dUMP and PPi, decreases Uracil incorporated in DNA synthesis and reduces cells dUTP/dTTP ratio to ensure the accuracy and smoothness of DNA replication. Moreover, the virus dUTPase has species specificity and is closely related to the virus effective replication. This article will provide a review of the dUTPase biological function, classified characterization, expression regulation, distribution and the research progress of viral dUTPase function to provide a theoretical basis for the further study of dUTPase function.
Key words: dUTPase; biological function; virus multiplication; expression regulation

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