赵晓勤1,2*,陈立侨2, 吴维诚2,李明宵2
(1上海水产大学生命科学与技术学院,上海 200090;2 华东师范大学生命科学学院,上海 200062)

摘 要:摘 要:亲代抚育行为(parental care behavior)是指动物对其后代或其亲缘后代提供保护和养育的所有活动,属于本能行为的一种,广泛存在于动物界之中。鱼类在其为数不多的科中充分发展了几乎所有类型的亲代抚育行为,因而成为研究该行为的最佳物种之一。随着威廉斯原理(Williams{$39}s Principle)的提出和应用,人们对鱼类亲代抚育行为的探索逐步由定性向定量发展,普遍认同了在鱼类进化中,雄性抚育模式得以占据支配地位的缘由并非是因为雄性在抚育活动中获得了较多的利益,而是由于在获取相同利益时雄性损失的未来投资成本较雌性低的观点。近年来的研究证实,在亲代抚育过程中存在着某种动态调整机制,其中四个比较关键的影响因素分别为:亲本所抚育的子代数量、亲本先前的投资、亲本与被抚育子代间的遗传关联度和亲本未来的交配机会。
中图分类号:Q959,408  文献标识码:A

A review of parental care in fishes
ZHAO Xiao-qin1, 2*, CHEN Li-qiao2, WU Wei-cheng2, LI Ming-xiao2
(1 College of Aqua-Life Science and Technology, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, China; 2 School of Life Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Parental care behavior belongs to animal instinct, which consists of protecting, feeding, helping and all kinds of activities provided by the parents to their offsprings. While fishes have evolved all forms of parental care in their a few families, they become good model organisms in studying this behavior. People{$39}s understanding of parental care behavior has been significantly advanced through the application of Williams{$39}s Principle from a qualitative topic to a quantitive one. And now the viewpoint that the predominance of male parental care in fishes evolves, not because the male sex obtains greater benefits from caregiving, but because males pay a lower future cost for the same benefits has been wildly accepted. Resent evidences prove that parental care is dynamically adjusted by four major factors: brood size, past investment, genetic relatedness, and future mating opportunities.
Key words: parental care; fish; ethology; Williams{$39}s Principle

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