朱 霓1,秦永文1,荆 清2*
(1上海长海医院心内科, 上海200433; 2中国科学院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所,上海200025)

摘 要:摘 要:微RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是一类内源性19-25个核苷酸大小的非编码RNA分子,在进化中具有高度保守性,并且能够通过碱基匹配原则识别靶基因3{$39}非翻译区的靶位点,从而抑制编码蛋白靶基因的翻译或(和)降解靶基因。目前的研究表明,miRNA在生物体发育、心血管疾病以及肿瘤发生等过程中起重要作用。本文对miRNA在心血管系统生理病理中的作用做一综述。
中图分类号:Q522;R541  文献标识码:A

microRNAs: important regulators in cardiovascular diseases
ZHU Ni1, QIN Yong-wen1, JING Qing2*
(1 Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Changhai Hospital, Shanghai 200433, China; 2 Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200025, China)

Abstract: Abstract: microRNAs are a class of endogenous 19-25 nucleotides non-coding RNAs. They are highly conserved and specify translational repression or/and mRNA cleavage through the recognition of complementary sequences in the 3{$39}-UTRs of target mRNAs of protein-coding genes. Researches indicated that miRNAs play pivotal roles in development of organisms, cardiovascular diseases and tumor, et al. This review focus on the mechanism of miRNAs on the physiopathology of cardiovascular system.
Key words:  microRNA; angiogenesis; cardiac hypertrophy; heart failure; arrhythmia

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