周 凡1,庄诗美1,2*
(1中山大学生命科学学院教育部基因工程重点实验室, 广州 510275;2中山大学肿瘤防治中心华南肿瘤生物学国家重点实验室, 广州 510060)

摘 要:摘 要:microRNA(miRNA)是近年来发现的一类长度为19—25个核苷酸的非编码小分子RNA。它主要通过与靶标基因3{$39}UTR的完全或不完全配对,降解靶标基因mRNA或抑制其翻译,从而参与调控个体发育、细胞凋亡、增殖及分化等生命活动。实验证据表明,miRNA可通过调控其靶标基因参与的信号通路,影响肿瘤的发生和发展,发挥着类似于癌基因或抑癌基因的功能。miRNA的发现为肿瘤发病机制的研究提供了新的思路,为肿瘤诊断和治疗提供了新的策略。本综述主要介绍近年来miRNA与肿瘤发生发展相关性研究领域的进展。
中图分类号:Q522; R750  文献标识码:A

microRNA and cancer
ZHOU Fan 1, Zhuang Shi-mei 1,2*
(1 The Key Laboratory of Gene Engineering of the Ministry of Education, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275,China; 2 The State Key Laboratory of Oncology in Southern China, Cancer Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzho

Abstract: Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (19 - 25 nt), regulatory, non-coding RNAs that inhibit the expression of protein-coding genes by binding to the 3{$39}UTR of mRNAs and inducing either translational repression or mRNA degradation. It has been demonstrated that miRNAs regulate a wide range of biological processes, including development, cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Growing evidences have indicated a strong association between miRNAs and oncogenesis. miRNAs exert their tumor suppressor or oncogenic function by suppressing the expression of protein-coding genes and in turn regulating the signaling pathways. Characterization of miRNA provides us a new insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis as well as the new strategy for cancer diagnosis and treatment. This review summarizes the recent progression on the research field of miRNA and its association with tumorigenesis.
Keywords: miRNA; non-coding RNA; cancer; tumorigenesis

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