张 翼

摘 要:摘 要:对非编码RNA功能的认识是后基因组时代的一个研究焦点,本文主要介绍非编码RNA在RNA剪接中的催化和调控功能。在RNA加工过程中,三大类内含子的剪接都是由RNA成员主导。其中I型和II型内含子能催化自身的切除和外显子连接反应;而核mRNA内含子的剪接则由剪接体里的小核RNA主导。I型和II型内含子存在于细菌、低等真核细胞和植物的细胞器内;而真核细胞的核编码蛋白质基因内全部是核mRNA内含子,并且其数目随生物体的复杂性而显著升高。一个多内含子前体mRNA通过选择性剪接产生多种,甚至上万种不同的mRNA和蛋白质,对蛋白质组的复杂度和时空表达调控至关重要。选择性剪接调控由剪接调控蛋白特异识别和结合前体mRNA里所富含的顺式RNA调控元件完成的;系统认识这两者之间的对应关系是揭示基因组表达调控网络的一把钥匙。
中图分类号:Q522  文献标识码:A

RNA functions in RNA splicing: from catalysis to regulation
(The State Key Laboratory of Virology, College of Life Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)





Abstract: Understanding the function of non-coding RNA is one important focus in the post-genomic era. This review aims to summary the catalytic and regulatory function of non-coding RNAs in RNA splicing. RNA members are the key players in splicing of three major groups of introns during RNA processing. Group I and group II introns catalyze their own excision and exon ligation, while snRNAs in spliceosome mediate the splicing of nuclear mRNA introns. Group I and group II introns are limited in bacterial and the organellar genomes of lower eukaryotes and plants, but all protein coding genes in nuclear genomes harbor nuclear mRNA introns and the intron number per gene is increased with the complexity of the organisms. A pre-mRNA containing multiple introns can produce several and even tens of thousands mRNAs and proteins through alternative splicing, which is responsible for the spatially and timely regulated proteome diversity in cells. Alternative splicing is determined by the specific interaction between the regulatory proteins and the regulatory RNA elements located in the pre-mRNA; systematic appreciation of their interactions in vivo is a key to reveal the regulatory network in genome expression.
Key words: intron non-coding RNA; splicing; catalytic; regulatory

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