史 毅, 金由辛*

摘 要:摘 要:RNA干扰作为后基因组时代的一种下调基因表达的工具已被广泛用于基因功能的研究以及疾病的治疗。在RNA干扰技术下调基因表达的背后存在着一个复杂的蛋白质网络参与了这一功能的实现。本文对近年来RNA干扰在疾病治疗方面的进展及其机制研究方面的进展作了一些概述。
中图分类号:Q-3; R394  文献标识码:A

Advances in the research of RNAi and siRNA
SHI Yi, JIN You-xin*
(Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031,China)

Abstract: Abstract: The use of the RNA interference (RNAi) to eliminate specific gene products has greatly facilitated the understanding of gene function and the therapy of diseases. Behind this remarkable pathway is an intricate network of proteins that ensures the degradation of the target mRNA. In this review, we explore the recent discoveries in the mechanism of RNAi as well as its use in the therapy of diseases.
Key words: RNAi; siRNA; dsRNA; Argonaute; P body; therapy

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