胡 琴1,2,李铁军1,2,康 萍1,2,石常有1,3,黄瑞林1,印遇龙1*
(1中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所动物生态营养与健康养殖联合实验室,长沙410125;2中国科学院研究生院,北京100049;3 广西师范大学生命科学学院,桂林541004)

摘 要:摘 要:仔猪出生后早期阶段能高效地利用日粮氨基酸进行体蛋白质(尤其是骨骼肌蛋白)合成。这种高效的蛋白质沉积与摄食后血浆胰岛素及营养物质(氨基酸、葡萄糖等)水平升高有密切关系,餐后血浆胰岛素、氨基酸及葡萄糖水平的提高,能显著刺激新生仔猪蛋白质合成。本文着重就摄食引起胰岛素及营养物质信号通路的活化对新生仔猪蛋白质合成的作用效果及其作用机制作一综述。
中图分类号:S858.28; Q578; Q816  文献标识码:A

The regulation mechanisms on protein synthesis in neonatal pigs
HU Qin1,2, LI Tie-jun1,2, KANG Ping1,2, SHI Chang-you1,3, HUANG Rui-lin1,YIN Yu-long1*
(1 Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Human Health and Key Laboratory of Agro-ecology, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China; 2 Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, Ch

Abstract: Abstract: The neonatal period is characterized by high growth rate and protein accretion rate, especially with the most rapid gain occurring in skeletal muscle, which is in part due to the ability of neonatal pigs to markedly increase protein synthesis in response to feeding. Postprandial could rise in insulin and nutrients such as amino acid and glucose, which modulate the protein synthesis significantly. This paper summarizes the effects and mechanisms of feeding-induced activation of early insulin-signaling pathway and nutrients-signaling pathway leading to the stimulation  on protein synthesis of neonatal pigs.
Key Words: protein synthesis; neonates; insulin; signaling pathway; nutrients; modulate

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