
摘 要:摘 要:缺血后处理对心肌再灌注损伤的保护是多因素参与的复杂过程。后处理对心肌的保护除了通过减少活性氧类物质的产生、抑制线粒体内钙超载、减轻内皮功能失调等被动作用外,还可主动激活再灌注损伤补救激酶(reperfusion injury salvage kinase, RISK) 途径及其他蛋白激酶而实现。本文将对心肌缺血后处理中RISK 通路的研究进展作一综述。
中图分类号:R542.2  Q555.7  文献标识码:A

Advancements of signal transduction in myocardial ischemic postconditioning
XU Xian-lian, ZHANG Ying-jie*
(The First Afilliated Hospital, Liaoning Medical College, Jinzhou121001, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Ischemic postconditioning (IPO), which can attenuate myocardial reperfusion injury, is a complex process involving multiple factors.  Besides the reduction in generation of reactive oxygen species, calcium overload in mitochondrion, endothelial dysfunction and so on (this is considered a 損assive process?, IPO can also be an 揳ctive process?by activating the reperfusion injury salvage kinase (RISK) pathway and other kinases. The text will review the RISK pathway in the IPO in myocardium.
Key words: ischemic postconditioning; reperfusion injury salvage kinase; signal transduction

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