(1 哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院神经内科,哈尔滨 150001;2军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京 100850)

摘 要:摘 要:近十几年研究发现成年人脑神经元可以再生,使人们重新认识老年脑神经细胞的可塑性,它为脑损伤的修复带来新的希望。最新研究表明,神经再生可被调控,是一种新的修复机制。这使得利用内源性神经干细胞治疗老龄相关的神经退行性疾病成为可能。
中图分类号:Q813; R749.16  文献标识码:A

Autologous neural stem cells in treatment of brain aging
LI Xu-ling1,2, WANG De-sheng1*, SUN Man-ji2*
(1 Department of Neurology, the First Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001,China; 2 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Beijing 100850, China)

Abstract: Abstract: It has been demonstrated that neurons in human adult brains can be somehow regenerated, thus it provokes the reevaluation of neuronal plasticity of the aged brain, and holds out a hope of the possibility of utilizing the autologous neural stem cells to treat age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
Key words: neural stem cell; aging brain; therapy

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