张士璀*,郭 斌,梁宇君

摘 要:摘 要:文昌鱼是研究脊椎动物起源与进化十分珍贵的模式动物。近50年来,我国在文昌鱼生物学研究方面取得很大进展。本文系统介绍了我国学者在文昌鱼发育、免疫和进化方面所取得的研究成果。
中图分类号:Q959.287  文献标识码:A

Fifty years of amphioxus study in China
ZHANG Shi-cui*, GUO Bin, LIANG Yu-jun
(Department of Marine Biology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Amphioxus is becoming an emerging model organism for insights into the origin and evolution of vertebrates. A great progress has been made in the study of amphioxus biology in China in the past 5 decades, and this has been dealt with in the present review.
Key words: amphioxus; development; evolution; immunity

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