张 峰,何 成*

摘 要:摘 要:细胞信号传导是细胞生物学方面的重要内容之一,涉及生命过程的各个方面,包括生长、分化发育、增殖、凋亡、迁移等等,对维持细胞功能及机体生存至关重要。目前对细胞信号转导研究的技术手段多种多样,其中荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET)是研究细胞信号转导较为常用的一种技术,可以实现活细胞内蛋白质之间相互作用的实时检测。本文中我们以受体酪氨酸激酶为例,介绍FRET技术在受体介导细胞信号传导中的应用及进展情况。
中图分类号:Q2-33  文献标识码:A

Shedding light on receptor signaling: Application of FRET
ZHANG Feng, HE Cheng*
(Institute of Neuroscience, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Cell signaling is involved in all kinds of aspects of cell functions, including growth, proliferation, apoptosis, migration, differentiation. Thus far, many technologies have been developed to study cell signaling more accurately, of which the fluorescence resonance energy transfer is one of the common and feasible methods to study the interaction of signaling proteins in living cells. In this perspective, we focus on recent work in which the FRET approach has been applied to study cell signaling of receptor tyrosine kinases.
Keyword: cell signaling; FRET; receptor tyrosine kinase

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