(中国科学院化学研究所,北京 100080)

摘 要:摘 要:原子力显微镜单分子力谱是近年来发展起来的能在单分子水平研究生物分子相互作用的新工具。本文综述了单分子力谱的测定原理、方法及其在研究蛋白-蛋白、蛋白-DNA相互作用,蛋白质去折叠和活细胞上配体/受体结合中的应用进展。
中图分类号:Q2-33  文献标识码:A

Biomolecular interaction study by atomic force microscopy single-molecule force spectroscopy
XU Yong-chun, SHI Xiao-li, FANG Xiao-hong*
(Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Single-molecule force spectroscopy has been developed as a new tool for biomolecular interaction study at the single molecule level. This article reviewed the principle and methods of AFM force measurement and application of single-molecule force spectroscopy to the study of protein-protein、protein-DNA interaction, protein unfolding and ligand-receptor binding in living cells.
Key words: atomic force microscopy; single molecule force spectroscopy; protein; DNA; interaction

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