张筱敏,邱 爽,罗建红*

摘 要:摘 要:单分子实时检测以高分辨率显微镜及纳米操作技术为支撑,实现在微观世界单分子水平探索和阐明生命现象的本质,进而展现生命科学的全景。本文综述了近年来单分子成像和检测领域的技术进展,以及将这些技术和创新方法在活细胞膜表面单分子事件研究中的应用,如蛋白质扩散、蛋白折叠动力学、膜受体装配及近膜区囊泡运动等。
中图分类号:Q2-33  文献标识码:A

Visualization of single-molecule event on cell membrane
ZHANG Xiao-min, QIU Shuang, LUO Jian-hong*
(Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Based on high-resolution microscopy and nano-manipulation techniques, single molecule detection allows us to explore and illustrate life phenomenon from microscopic view, and to better understanding of the panorama of life sciences. We reviewed here the technique advances in single molecule visualization and detection, and as well as the application of these techniques and creative research mathods in single molecular events on cell membrane, such as membrane protein diffusion, protein unfolding kinetics, assembly of receptors, vesicle movement and so on.
Key words: single molecule events; visulization; detection; cell membrane

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