赵 伟,傅国辉
上海交通大学医学院病理教研室,上海 200025

摘 要:摘 要:阴离子交换蛋白(anion exchanger, AE)家族由AE1、AE2和AE3三个成员组成,介导哺乳动物细胞普遍存在的Cl-/HCO3-跨膜交换过程,进而调节细胞内pH值(intracellular pH, pHi)和细胞体积。在极化的上皮细胞,Cl-/HCO3-的跨膜交换也是经上皮的酸碱分泌和重吸收的重要调节因子。AE1丰富地表达在红细胞,其N末端截短形式也表达在肾脏;AE2广泛地表达在各种组织,但以胃最为丰富;AE3表达在脑、视网膜和心脏。近年来对AE家族结构与功能的研究取得的新进展揭示了AE家族在某些病理过程中发挥重要作用。本文就AE家族的结构与功能及其病理作用进行了讨论。
中图分类号:Q516  文献标识码:A

The structure and function of anion exchanger family
ZHAO Wei, FU Guohui
Department of Pathology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China

Abstract: Abstract: The anion exchanger (AE) family is comprised of three members, AE1, AE2 and AE3 and facilitates the exchange of Cl-  for HCO3- across the plasma membrane of mammalian cells and that thus contrtibutes to regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) and cell volume. In polarized epithelial cells, they also contribute to transepithelial secretion and reabsorption of acid-base equivalents. AE1 is largely expressed in the erythrocytes, and an N-terminal truncated form is present in the kidney; AE2 is found in a variety of tissues and the stomach is the organ in which the AE2 was most abundantly expressed; AE3 is found in the brain, retina and heart. Recent developments in the structure and function of AE family highlighted that the AE family play a crucial role in pathological process. In this review, we discussed the structure, function and pathogenicity of AE family.
Key words: anion exchanger; structure;function; pHi; cell cycle

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