井绪东,王跃春,张 洹*
(暨南大学医学院血液病研究所,广州 510632)

摘 要:摘 要:b细胞替代治疗可能是目前唯一可以治愈1型糖尿病的方法,但可供移植的胰岛来源严重匮缺,阻碍了此疗法的临床应用。为此,调控干细胞分化为成熟的有功能的胰岛细胞成为近年来的研究热点。本文着重探讨了胰岛细胞发生发育的基因调控及几种生物活性分子体外诱导干细胞向胰岛β细胞分化的作用及其机理。
中图分类号:Q813;R587.1  文献标识码:

Research progress in inducing stem cells to differentiate toward the β-like cells of pancreatic islet
jing xudong, WANG Yuechun, ZHANG Huan*
(Institute of Hematology, Medical College, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Cell replacement therapy is the only method that can cure Type 1 diabetes, but the critical shortage of available donor tissue impedes this therapeutics in clinic application. So the study of regulating differentiation of stem cells toward mature, functional islets cells becomes the hotspot recently. This article reviewed related advances in this field, and focused on the gene regulation of islet cell development and differentiation and also the actions of some bioactive molecules on the induction of stem cells to differentiate toward the β-like cells of pancreatic islet and their action mechanisms.
Key words: stem cells;β-like cells of pancreatic islet; bioactive molecules; differentiation

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