高 霞1,陈旭煌2,陈晔光1*
(1清华大学生物科学与技术系,北京 100084;2 江西省乐安县人民医院, 抚州344300)

摘 要:摘 要:Dapper (Dpr)是近期发现的信号调控分子。目前研究结果表明,爪蟾和斑马鱼等低等动物的Dpr在早期胚胎发育的多个过程中起重要作用,这些作用主要通过对Wnt和Nodal/TGF-b信号通路的负调控来完成。Wnt和TGF-b信号通路在胚胎发育和疾病发生过程中起着非常重要的作用,因而Dpr可能是通过影响这些信号通路而参与生理、病理过程。研究Dpr在体内的作用方式和机制对于理解生物体生长发育和疾病发生具有重要意义。
关键词:Dapper;Wnt;TGF-b; 信号转导
中图分类号:Q51; Q954.4  文献标识码:A

Progress in the research of Dapper in development and signaling pathway
GAO Xia1, CHEN Xuhuang2, CHEN Yeguang1*
(1Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2Le{$39}an People{$39}s Hospital, Fuzhou 344300, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Dapper (Dpr) proteins belong to a structure-related protein family.  Recent studies have demonstrated that Dpr proteins play an important role in multiple developmental processes via negative modulation of Wnt and Nodal/TGF-b signaling: Dpr1 downregulates Wnt signaling by promoting Dshevelled degradation while Dpr2 interferes with Nodal/TGF-b signaling.  Delineation of the physiological functions of Dpr proteins would enhance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of embryo development and cancer formation.
Key words: Dapper; Wnt; cell signaling

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