茹松伟1,2,申卫红1,杨鹏程2,赵 屹2*,邵启祥1*
(1江苏大学医学技术学院,镇江212013; 2中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京 100080)

摘 要:摘 要:microRNA(miRNA)是一类约22个核苷酸(nt)长的非编码小分子RNA,广泛存在于动植物细胞中,通过和靶基因的不精确互补配对而裂解mRNA或抑制翻译的起始。准确地预测miRNA靶基因和正确地认识miRNA及其靶基因的作用机理已成为当前研究的热点。作者试图对目前常用的10余个高等生物miRNA靶基因预测软件的实现原理、适用对象及各算法的创新之处等加以综述,以便为进行靶基因预测算法设计人员提供参考,对生物学实验验证提供更好的理论指导。
中图分类号:Q522; Q811.4  文献标识码:A

MicroRNA target prediction algorithm:present and future
RU Songwei1,2, SHEN Weihong1, YANG Pengcheng2, ZHAO Yi2*, SHAO Qixiang1*
(1 Medical Technology College, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China; 2 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)

Abstract: Abstract: MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are a new class of 22nt long small noncoding RNA species in plants and animals, which cleavage the mRNA or repress the initiation of the mRNA translation by partially base pairing with the targets in animals. Predicting the targets of miRNAs and investigating the interaction between miRNAs and the corresponding targets are becoming the study focus. Here, we reviewed the principles, creativities and applica-tion ranges of the 10 leading miRNA target prediction algorithms including miRanda, PicTar and so on, in order to assist the biologist and other miRNA researchers.
Key words: microRNAs; microRNA target prediction; bioinformatics; RNA interfering

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