钱海丰,陈哲皓,傅 杰
浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院,杭州 310014

摘 要:摘 要:转基因作物释放可能导致潜在的生态风险性,其中一个重要方面是通过花粉传播,将外源基因(如抗除草剂、抗虫基因)转入野生近缘种或近缘杂草而产生难以控制的“超级杂草”。本文讨论了防止外源基因逃逸的几种分子技术手段,主要包括:⑴母系遗传法(又称细胞质遗传法);  ⑵雄性不育法; ⑶种子不育法; ⑷染色体组特异性选择法等。
关键词:基因逃逸;  母系遗传法;  雄性不育法;  种子不育法;  染色体组特异性选择

The molecular strategy advancement in control of transgene escape from genetically modified plants(GMP)
QIAN Hai-Feng, CHEN Zhe-Hao, FU Jie
College of Biology and Enviornmental Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014,China

Abstract: Abstract: The release of transgenic crops may rise to potential ecological risks, one of which is that some transgenes(e.g. herbicide-resistant genes and insect-resistant genes) would spread into related weeds or wild species by pollination, turning them into uncontrollable "superweeds". This minireview describes some molecular strategies for control transgenes escape, including maternal inheritance, male sterility, seed sterility, and incompatible genomes.
Key words: transgenes escape;  maternal inheritance;  male sterility;  seed sterility;  incompatible genomes

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