浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,杭州 310029

摘 要:摘 要:植物结构蛋白质组学研究目的在不断变化。早期旨在比较不同基因型和株系,估测系统发育距离。随后是用蛋白N端Edman测序法或氨基酸分析法鉴定蛋白。如今,应用双向凝胶电泳和质谱法,已能联手成功地解决蛋白分离和鉴定问题。这将有助于对不同突变系与野生型作比较和对不同的表达基因鉴定,应用数据库和作图软件有可能获得功能蛋白构象。

Progress in plant proteomics research
JI Zhi-Juan, XUE Qing-Zhong*
College of Agriculture and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China

Abstract: Abstract: In the field of plant proteomics, there have been some changes in the analytical aims. While early projects aimed at comparing different genotypes and plant lines to measure phylogenetic distances, later projects made use of N-terminal Edman protein sequencing or used amino acid analysis for protein determination. Nowadays, with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric methods, their separation and the identification of proteins made hand in hand so that the comparisons of different mutant lines with wild type plants, and identification of differentially expressed genes. Functional protein profiles have been obtained through public databases and using some relative software.
Key words: structural proteomics; database; 2DE (two-dimensional gel electrophoresis); MS (mass spectrometric)

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