缪泽鸿, 丁 健*
(中国科学院上海生命科学研究院药物研究所新药研究国家重点实验室肿瘤药理组, 上海 201203

摘 要:摘 要:人肿瘤多药耐药mdr-1基因的转录调控机制复杂。多个正调控和负调控元件与转录因子的相互作用、表遗传学因素的参与等共同决定着人mdr-1基因表达的组织、细胞和刺激的特异性和依赖性。同时,也为特异或相对特异性地防止/抑制肿瘤细胞的mdr-1基因表达、克服肿瘤多药耐药性提供了基础。新抗肿瘤药物沙尔威辛和ET-743有力地诠释了控制mdr-1基因转录所蕴藏的治疗学机会。

Therapeutic opportunity in the transcriptional regulation of human mdr-1 gene
MIAO Ze-Hong, DING Jian*
Division of Anti-Tumor Pharmacology, State Key Laboratory of Drug Research, Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China

Abstract: Abstract: Transcription of human mdr-1 gene is complex and highly regulated. It involves the complicated interaction of numerous positive and negative elements with transcriptional factors and the epigenetic control as well. It is such complexity that determines the specific expression of mdr-1 expression in tissues and cells and its dependence on exogenous stimulators. This complexity is also the basis of selectively preventing or inhibiting mdr-1 expression in tumor tissues and thus circumventing tumor multidrug resistance. Salvicine and ET-743, two novel anticancer drugs, uncovered the therapeutic opportunity hidden in the transcriptional regulation of human mdr-1 gene.
Key words: tumor multidrug resistance; mdr-1 gene; transcriptional regulation; Salvicine; ET-743

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