中国科学院上海生命科学研究院药物研究所,中国科学院研究生院,上海 201203

摘 要:摘 要:近年来,大量研究发现G蛋白偶联受体不仅以单体形式,而且以同源或异源二聚体形式存在。腺苷A1受体和多巴胺D1受体以及腺苷A2a受体和多巴胺D2受体分别共存于基底神经节中纹状体向黑质和脚内核投射的神经元以及纹状体向苍白球投射的神经元内。A1/D1、A2a/D2受体形成受体异聚复合体构成了受体-受体之间相互作用的分子基础。腺苷和多巴胺受体之间在细胞水平以及行为水平上拮抗性的相互作用为其在帕金森病、精神分裂症、舞蹈病和药物依赖等疾病的治疗上提供了新的靶向。

Adenosine/dopamine receptor dimerization in basal ganglia: implications for the pharmacology
SUN Wan-Chun, ZHU Xing-Zu*
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Graduate School of CAS, Shanghai 201203, China

Abstract: Abstract: Recently, many studies have revealed that G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) exist as dimmers, which may be present homo- or heterodimers/oligomers. The anatomical localizations indicate that A1 receptor and D1 receptor coexist in strionigro-strioentopeduncular neurons, and A2a receptor and D2 receptor coexist in striopallidals neurons. The heteromeric complexes of A1/D1、A2a/D2 receptor provided the molecular basis for the functional interactions of A1/D1 and A2a/D2 receptor. The antagonistic receptor-receptor intramembrane interactions may offer new therapeutic leads for Parkinson{$39}s disease, Huntington{$39}s disease, schizophrenia and drug addiction.
Key words: G protein coupled receptor; receptor heteromeric complex; receptor-receptor interaction; trafficking

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