中国科学院上海药物研究所国家新药筛选中心,上海 201203

摘 要:摘 要:趋化剂N-甲酰肽,如fMLF(N-甲酰甲硫氨酰-亮氨酰-苯丙氨酸)与受体结合后,能在炎症和免疫应急反应时募集嗜中性粒细胞游走和聚集在病灶处,对抗并清除病原微生物。近年来发现的许多结构各异的非N-甲酰肽配体(包括炎症早期出现的内源性多肽)均具有趋化和激活噬菌性白细胞的作用。这些研究进展拓展了我们对甲酰肽受体功能的认识,同时也提出一系列新问题,值得深入探讨。

Research progresses in formyl peptide receptor
CHENG Xi-Yuan, WANG Ming-Wei*
The National Center for Drug Screening, Shanghai Institute of Medica Meteria, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Abstract: Abstract: Ligands for formyl peptide receptor, including chemotatic peptides such as fMet-Leu-Phe, bind to formyl peptide receptor and cause accumulation of neutropil at the sites of inflammation and immune responses to microbial infection. A variety of novel non-formylated peptide agonists have been discovered recently, which activate formyl peptide receptor and chemoattract phagocytic leukocytes. These findings indicate that formyl peptide receptor may play an important role in inflammation. Further studies are required to elucidate precise functions of this class of receptors.
Key words: formyl peptide receptor; chemotaxis; inflammation; Alzheimer{$39}s disease; HIV-1

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