第二军医大学基础医学部组织胚胎学教研室,上海 200433

摘 要:摘 要:间充质干细胞是中胚层发育的早期细胞,具备干细胞的基本特性。在发育的不同阶段和特定环境条件下,间充质干细胞可向骨、软骨、肌肉、神经、血管及血液细胞等多种方向分化。在成体的很多器官和组织中也存在着间充质干细胞,以备修复和再生所用。间充质干细胞易于体外培养,扩增迅速,可以分化为多种细胞,为干细胞生物工程提供了一个很好的种子细胞。在明确间充质干细胞生物学特性和分化的机制后,可在体外和体内将其定向诱导分化为多种细胞。间充质干细胞具有巨大的临床应用价值和科学研究价值。

The properties and application potentials of mesenchymal stem cell
WU Min-Juan, LIU Shan-Rong, LIU Hou-Qi
Department of Histology and Embryology, Academy of Basic Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

Abstract: Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which possess the basic properties of the common stem cell, are the progenitor cells in the mesoderm development. In the different conditions and specific developmental stages, MSCs can differentiate into varieties of tissues, for instance, chondrocytes, osteoblast, skeletal myoblast, neuron cells, vascular endothelial cells, etc. There are still a few MSCs in adult organs or tissues for their regeneration and repair. Easier to be isolated and cultured, MSCs have become attractive as seed cells for stem cell biological engineering. In view of their committed induction to differentiate into many sorts of cells and tissues, MSCs offer tremendous potentials for clinical application and basic research.
Key words: mesenchymal stem cell; differentiation; clinical application

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