
王 玥 , 杨若南 , 许 丽 , 施慧琳 , 李祯祺 , 李 伟 , 刘 晓 , 阮梅花 , 靳晨琦 , 徐 萍*
中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,上海 200031

摘 要:

生命健康领域科技是全球重要的科技制高点和全球竞争的战略高地。本文从科技规划和科技进展两个维度全面分析了2024 年生命健康领域科技发展态势,总结了全球生命健康领域的科技规划布局重点,并重点分析了使能技术和生物医药先进疗法的发展重点和趋势。最后,本文也提出了生命健康科技发展面临的瓶颈,展望了生命健康科技领域未来发展态势。

通讯作者:徐 萍 , Email:xuping@sinh.ac.cn

Development trends of life and health science
WANG Yue , YANG Ruo-Nan , XU Li , SHI Hui-Lin , LI Zhen-Qi , 李 伟 , LIU Xiao , RUAN Mei-Hua , JIN Chen-Qi , XU Ping*
Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China


The field of life and health science is a crucial commanding height and a strategic high ground for global competition. This article comprehensively analyzes the development trends of this field in 2024 from the perspectives of policy planning and progress in science and technology. It summarizes key points of the global planning and layout, and examines the development priorities and emerging trends in enabling technologies and advanced therapies in biomedicine. Finally, this article also points out the bottlenecks and looks forward to the future development trends.

Communication Author:XU Ping , Email:xuping@sinh.ac.cn

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