《生命科学》 2024, 36(12): 1552-1561
摘 要:
通讯作者:朱永琪 , Email:yongqizhu@xju.edu.cn
In recent years, heavy metal pollution has been the major environmental problems in the world, which caused serious threats to the health of organisms and the stability of ecosystems. Bryophytes are pioneers for small
in size and simple in structure, with only a single layer of cells in the leaves, without root and vascular tissue. They
absorb nutrients from the air, and are sensitive to environmental changes, so they are considered to be the best environmental indicators. Therefore, bryophytes were utilized as ecological monitoring species. However, the sensitivity and enrichment of different species of bryophytes to different heavy metal ions are not consistent. Therefore, this paper reviews the application of bryophytes in environmental monitoring, and expounds the adsorption characteristics of different species of bryophytes to different heavy metals. The growth, physiological properties of bryophytes under heavy metal stress were summarized, and the future research direction was prospected, which will be beneficial for the further development and utilization of bryophytes as environmental indicators.
Communication Author:ZHU Yong-Qi , Email:yongqizhu@xju.edu.cn