军事医学科学院野战输血研究所,北京 100850

摘 要:摘 要:目前国内外对通用型血的研究主要是改造修饰红细胞表面抗原。研制的方法有两种:体外酶解修饰人A、B抗原制备O型血和使用化学材料甲氧基聚乙二醇(mPEG)共价结合到红细胞表面,遮蔽血型抗原。两种修饰的结果均表明对红细胞的结构、功能无影响。这两种修饰方法为制备通用型血供临床输血开拓了崭新的途径,具有重要意义。

Modified or camouflaged red blood cells surface antigen in vitro—universal donor blood ?
TAN Ying-Xia, WANG Jie-Xi, ZHANG Yang-Pei
Institute of Blood Transfusion , Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China

Abstract: Abstract: This paper briefly introduces recent advance on modification of red blood cells surface antigen home and abroad. The research mainly includes converted red blood cell (RBC) surface A and B antigen to H antigen with a-N-acetylgalactosaminidase and a-galactosidase treatment and camouflaged red blood cell surface with methoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG).  Studies indicated that two kinds modifications had no significant detrimental effects on RBC structure,  morphology and function.  These methods provide promising way to make universal donor blood and may have significant application in transfusion medicine.
Key words: red blood cell; a-galactosidase; mPEG; modification; universal donor blood

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