
王舒恒1,2 , 白帅东1,2 , 白 雪1,2 , 王威宇1,2 , 秦雪梅1,2,3 , 高晓霞1,2,3,*
1山西大学中医药现代研究中心,太原 030006 2山西大学化学生物学与分子工程教育部重点 实验室,太原 030006 3地产中药功效物质研究与利用山西省重点实验室,太原 030006

摘 要:

昼夜节律是生物体响应外部环境24 小时昼夜更替变化的一种内源性计时系统,也称生物钟系统,由中枢及外周生物钟组成,其通过生物钟基因调节细胞信号分子的节律变化,从而使大部分细胞生命活动具有时空动态性。昼夜节律失调与多种疾病的发生密切相关,但其复杂机制尚未解释清楚。光遗传学是利用特定光敏蛋白对细胞进行精确时空控制的一种新技术,具有非侵入性、可逆性和高时空特异性等优点,为昼夜节律机制的探究提供了新的视角。本文对光遗传学技术在昼夜节律研究中的应用及其在昼夜节律相关疾病中的研究进展进行综述,为解决昼夜节律相关疾病提供新思路和新理念。

通讯作者:高晓霞 , Email:gaoxiaoxia@sxu.edu.cn

Research progress on the application of optogenetics to circadian rhythm and related diseases
WANG Shu-Heng1,2 , BAI Shuai-Dong1,2 , BAI Xue1,2 , WANG Wei-Yu1,2 , QIN Xue-Mei1,2,3 , GAO Xiao-Xia1,2,3,*
1Modern Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China 2Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of Ministry of Education, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China 3Key Laboratory of Effective Substances Research and Utilization in TCM of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030006, China


Circadian rhythm, also known as circadian system, is an endogenous time-keeping system that adapts to the change of day-night cycles in the environment. The circadian clock system consists of the central clock and peripheral clocks in peripheral tissues. The circadian clock genes regulate the rhythmic changes of cellular signalling molecules, thereby influencing the spatiotemporal dynamics of cell life activities. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated that circadian misalignments may be associated with a wide variety of diseases. Nevertheless, the mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains unclear. Optogenetics is a novel technology that allows precise spatial and temporal control of cells by expressing light-sensitive proteins. This provides a novel perspective for the study of  circadian mechanisms, due to their distinguishing features of noninvasiveness, reversibility, and spatiotemporal resolution. This review examines the application of optogenetics in the study of the circadian system and related diseases, with a view to identify new ideas and concepts for the  investigation of circadian rhythm-related diseases.

Communication Author:GAO Xiao-Xia , Email:gaoxiaoxia@sxu.edu.cn

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