
田 睿1,2 , 吴 杰1,2 , 陈秋萍1,2 , 陆永利1,3 , 李自成1,3,*
1三峡大学国家中医药管理局中药药理科研三级实验室,宜昌 443002 2三峡大学健康医学院,宜昌 443002 3三峡大学基础医学院机能学系,宜昌 443002

摘 要:

情绪障碍包括创伤后应激障碍、抑郁、焦虑等。近年来情绪障碍的发病率呈现出显著上升的趋势。目前,针对情感障碍的药物治疗效果不佳,且存在较多不良反应。食欲素通过作用于食欲素受体参与学习记忆、睡眠- 觉醒及情感的调控。随着对食欲素受体拮抗剂在失眠治疗中的研究不断深入,发现这些药物不仅显示出改善失眠的潜力,同时在情绪调节方面的作用也逐渐受到了广泛关注。本综述旨在通过梳理并汇总近期的动物实验和部分临床试验,系统性总结食欲素系统在情绪障碍中的研究进展及作用机制。

通讯作者:李自成 , Email:zichengli@ctgu.edu.cn

Research progress of orexin system in mood disorders
TIAN Rui1,2 , WU Jie1,2 , CHEN Qiu-Ping1,2 , LU Yong-Li1,3 , LI Zi-Cheng1,3,*
1Third-grade Pharmacological Laboratory on Traditional Chinese Medicine, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 2College of Medicine and Health Sciences, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 3Department of Functional Sciences, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China


Mood disorders include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and so on. In recent years, the incidence of mood disorders has shown a significant upward trend. At present, the effect of drug treatment for mood disorder is not good, and there are many side effects. Orexin is involved in the regulation of learning and memory,  sleep-arousal and emotions by acting on orexin receptors. With the in-depth study of orexin receptor antagonists in the treatment of insomnia, it has been found that these drugs not only have the potential to improve insomnia, but  also begin to attract widespread attention in mood regulation. The purpose of this review is to systematically  summarize the research progress and mechanism of the orexin system in mood disorders by combing and summarizing recent animal experiments and some clinical trials.

Communication Author:LI Zi-Cheng , Email:zichengli@ctgu.edu.cn

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